It maybe trite and overused but whenever a discussion on #inequality is muted I always refer to George Orwell’s Animal Farm “All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others“. Although written nearly 60 years ago it is still very relevant today. Who decides the most equal amongst us? It is easy to point a finger at the usual suspects; the wealthy, religious organisations, economic leaders….. However, as a consumer of todays society, am I as much to blame?

I shop in the high street fashion stores, who undoubtedly use child or low paid labour. I know the argument, I have had it with myself many times, wIthout employment these people would be in dire financial need. So removing the employment would not be a suitable option. However, everyone being prepared to pay more for clothes and buy less of them, could be a solution and a step towards financial #equality. However, until we all reduce our buying this will ever happen?

I believe that all children have the right to shelter, food and education and feel ashamed to come from a first world country that do not always grant access to this: We often sit in judgement of third world countries, passing out money and advice like candy, whilst neglecting to look within our own boundaries to see the #inequality within. I don’t work in the soup kitchens, march against poverty, run youth clubs…. I get angry, I sign petitions, I use my vote, I support charities and I get more angry! Is this helping or just giving myself a comfort blanket?

I see #inequality in the everyday and for me this is the most terrifying, as it can be overlooked. Grand scale inequality will have us all shouting and raising our fists. However, families quietly falling through the gaps of society, same sex couples opting not to hold hands in public, members of a faith being condemned as a whole, women being ritually bombarded with ideal body images are just everyday occurrences. Until we can address the everyday what hope do we have for the bigger dilemmas?

I would love to see a world where the discuss of #inequality is no longer needed. However, until that time I am glad to see people are still willing to make their voices heard, like Malala Yousafzai, and her powerful beautiful voice! I will continue to educate young people, have internal debates as to the most ethical choices I can make, promote feminism and try to handle other peoples beliefs carefully. Hopefully we can change the everyday!